Jenna Wallace
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Practice Areas
- Estate Planning
- Incapacity Planning
- Probate, Estate and Trust Administration
- Asset Protection
- Family Wealth Transfers
Jenna is an associate attorney practicing in the Estate Planning, Probate and Trust Section of Cotton Bledsoe Tighe & Dawson, PC in Midland, Texas. Jenna is licensed to practice in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Estate Planning
A significant portion of Jenna's practice is devoted to the preparation of wills and the creation and modification of trusts. Jenna assists her clients in creating, implementing, and modifying estate plans that accomplish clients' key objectives and goals regarding the disposition of estates and assets or to address changes in family or financial situations. She prepares specialized estate plans designed to reduce or avoid estate, gift, and generation-skipping transfer taxes.
Probate, Estate, and Trust Administration
Jenna also dedicates a significant part of her practice to advising fiduciaries and estate beneficiaries in matters relating to the probate of estates of decedents. She advises surviving spouses of decedents regarding their statutory rights and advises fiduciaries, such as executors, administrators, and trustees, regarding the disposition of decedents' estates in both contested and uncontested matters. In addition to original probate proceedings in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma, Jenna also handles ancillary probates of non-resident decedents who owned property in Texas, New Mexico, and Oklahoma.
Incapacity Planning
Jenna spends a significant amount of time advising clients with making decisions related to their care and the management of their property in preparation for any period of incapacity. She advises clients about Directives to Physicians (Living Wills), Medical Powers of Attorney, Statutory Durable Powers of Attorney, and Revocable (Living) Trusts. In addition, she advises clients about the option of pre-need guardian designations, including care for minor children.
Asset Protection
Jenna's practice also involves advising clients concerning lawful asset protection techniques, including the establishment of family limited partnerships and limited liability companies, separate property trusts, gun trusts, and the preparation of pre-marital and post-marital property agreements, and transmutation agreements.
Family Wealth Transfers
Part of Jenna's practice involves helping families plan for the orderly transfer of family assets. She advises business owners develop and implement succession plans to help family businesses thrive after the founding generation retires or passes away. Including representation of family offices, she counsels clients on the equitable division of estates. Jenna also commonly advises owners of oil and gas interests regarding transfer techniques designed to avoid further fractionalization of interests over time.
- Texas Tech University School of Law, Lubbock, Texas
- J.D. - 2018
- Honors: magna cum laude
- Honors: Phi Delta Phi
- Honors: Legal Practice Top Brief Award
- Honors: M. Penn L. Award
- Honors: Grimes Family Service Award
- Honors: Dean's List
- Law Review, Texas Tech Law Review, Articles Editor, 2017, 2018
- University of California, Berkeley, California
- B.A. - 2012
- Major: Political Science
- Texas Tech University, Lubbock Texas
- M.S. - 2018
- Major: Personal Financial Planning
Bar Admissions
- Texas, 2018
- New Mexico, 2019
- Oklahoma, 2021
Professional and Non-Profit Associations
- Midland/Odessa Business and Estates Council, Member, 2018 to Present
- Midland County Bar Association, Member, 2018 to Present
- Real Estate, Probate & Trust Law Section, State Bar of Texas, Member, 2018 to Present
- Real Property, Trust & Estate Law Section, State Bar of New Mexico, Member, 2019 to Present
- College of the State Bar of Texas, Member, 2019 to Present
Fraternities or Sororities
- Delta Theta Phi
- Phi Delta Phi