Summer Clerkship Program
Our summer program is designed to give law students first-hand experience in the legal profession and a feel for what it’s like to be an associate at our firm. Attorneys from all sections within the firm turn in clerk assignments which are then randomly distributed to the clerks as needed. This assures that each clerk will have a wide exposure to many different types of legal problems, and that the clerks work with and get to know as many attorneys as possible.
Clerking for Cotton Bledsoe Tighe & Dawson, P.C., will also give you experience in other areas of the legal profession as well. As a clerk, you will be given the opportunity to attend business meetings, hearings, depositions, and visit off-site locations that may be pertinent to a particular case. This is a great experience and gives you a chance to see and assist our lawyers when they are in action.
On Campus Interview Schedule
Representatives from Cotton Bledsoe Tighe & Dawson, P.C., generally visit several schools each year. During these visits, our representatives conduct interviews with students and discuss the possibility of a clerkship with the firm. To receive an interview, one must be scheduled prior to our visit to your campus.
We also accept applicants from all accredited law schools.
Please contact our Human Resources Director, Brandy Wrangham at [email protected] regarding any recruitment inquiries.